Solid state relays

The Carlo Gavazzi Group
Selection criteria
(SSR operating temperature must be respected)
*Data utilised for thermal transfer material is based on thermal paste and thermal pads provided by Carlo Gavazzi
Reset Selections
Use the selector tool to find and select the right heatsink and/or required thermal resistance.
- Insert the item code of the solid state relay (SSR)
- Select the number of SSRs to be mounted on the heatsink
- Select the type of mounting required for the heatsink
- Choose the heat transfer material
Note: Some SSRs already have a pre-attached thermal interface material. For such models, the heat transfer material will be pre-selected by the tool. - Insert the operating temperature where the SSRs are installed
- Insert the load current (per pole) for each SSR
- Select what type of power supply is required in case of forced ventilation.
Note: Whenever any of the selected parameters is outside of the allowed limits, a pop-up message will be shown. In such cases please make sure to change the selection criteria accordingly.
In case of any issue please contact us on:
Heatsink Result (Best Match)